

By Nicole Cutri March 14, 2022
The triangle pose represents many scared trinities in our world, such as the trinity of birth, life and death, the “Mind, Body, Spirit” and their union while practicing the pose; “Past, Present, Future” with the back leg (representing the past), providing the support needed to shape the present and consequently, our future. The front leg and arm reach out to the future. The hips and their placement symbolize the present. However, one needs to have acceptance of the present and past to move into the future. Natarajasana teaches us that Shiva’s aspect of transformation can be a valuable tool to remember when we face difficult situations, or occasions that require us to change or be courageous. Whilst endings can be sad, they allow the space to grow towards that which will truly nourish us and allow our hearts and our energies to open.
By Nicole Cutri March 4, 2022
As we explore the postures of Halasana and Padmasana, we discover what it means to sow the seeds for positive thoughts within our own mind and consciousness, as well as rising above whatever challenges and darkness we are faced with to emerge and grow towards the light to blossom and flourish.
By Nicole Cutri February 25, 2022
In his youth, Rama found himself feeling depressed and disillusioned with the world. To pull him out of his funk, his father enlisted the help of the great sage Vasistha. Vasistha quickly became a beloved guru to Ram, and taught him that the feeling of hopelessness or emptiness is what often leads one to their spiritual journey and to the realization of their dharma (righteous path). From this myth emerged the pose Vasisthasana (side plank pose), one of the postures we're working with this week.
By Nicole Cutri February 20, 2022
Through learning of the great sage Bharadvaja, it teaches us that when we find our true life's passion, it becomes fully expressed when we begin to share it with others. The true purpose of knowledge is to teach it to the world. As we work with Gomukhasana, we learn to have the humility of a cow, and to be peaceful and grounded, just like the sacred cow is.
By Nicole Cutri February 13, 2022
A classic standing posture, Vrksasana establishes strength and balance, and helps you feel centered, steady and grounded. Tadasana and Garudasana teach us the power of a steady body and mind.
By Nicole Cutri February 8, 2022
Virabhadrasana is a series of standing yoga postures that draws on the strengths we have within us, so we may rise above and fight against a reactive mind. In the most well-known of the asanas, Warrior 2, the front arm symbolises looking ahead to the future, whilst the back arm represents stepping away from the past, and our trunk symbolises standing strong and powerful in the present moment.
By Nicole Cutri January 28, 2022
Behind each asana and its corresponding movements is an ancient story about the god, sage or sacred animal who inspired the pose. As we delve into the stories behind Balasana and Siddhasana, we learn about the beauty of surrender, and the power of unconditional love.
By Nicole Cutri November 21, 2021
“Sahasrara” means “thousand-petaled” and represents a thousand-petaled lotus flower. Associated with the element of thought, this energy center controls your connection to spirit, as well as your sense of universal consciousness, wisdom, unity, and self-knowledge. Its associated color is white or violet, reflective of its connection to spirituality and enlightenment.
By Nicole Cutri November 11, 2021
Working with Ajna Chakra is using your inner sense to ask for guidance to make the right decisions. Taking into account your mind, intellect, and ego, you are now including your soul in the decision making process. If you are conflicted, ask for your sense of intuition to be opened to you in order to help give your mind the clarity it needs to make the right choice.
By Nicole Cutri November 4, 2021
The fifth chakra, called Vishuddha Chakra is located at the base of the throat, at the center of the larynx. This is the reason this chakra is also called the Throat Chakra. The energy element governed by this chakra is effective communication and truth. It also represents inspiration and expression. Vishuddha Chakra establishes a strong connection to both verbal and body language, and it’s where you find your voice, speak your truth, and sing praises—for yourself and others. This chakra is associated with speaking up and expressing yourself, but also with hearing and being heard.
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